[rescue] Netbsd install issues

Eric Webb ttlchaos at randomc.com
Sat Oct 25 16:16:12 CDT 2003

On Saturday 25 October 2003 02:40 pm, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:
> TCP/IP Illustrated by the late Dr. W. Richard Stevens.  Alternatively,
> Unix Network Programming (by the same author) gives a good deal of
> insight into how IP sockets and Unix interact.

Hmm... late?  Did he pass away?  Stevens has/had a lot of nice stuff out.  
Also of interest is Unix Network Programming, which spends a good deal of 
time describing the stack and some time on the packets.

I have TCP/IP Illustrated Vol1, but haven't seen Vol2 and Vol3 available 
lately to round out my collection.


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