[rescue] Weird Silicon Graphics o2 graphics issues

Meelis Roos mroos at linux.ee
Thu Oct 2 11:45:01 CDT 2003

> In the case you have described, this is perfectly normal behavior for
> Mozilla and is not an SGI bug.  Mozilla will, by default, work with the
> colormap it's got and not step on anything else, but if something else
> has already allocated most or all of the available colormap it's not
> going to be able to do a very good job of rendering images.

Well, but it does not just use slightly wrong colors but totally wrong.
Looks like it doesn't care about the already allocated colors if they
don't match exactly with its needs it doesn't use them for approximation
or dithering but does something that I cannot yet understand - the
colors are _totally_ wrong.

So yes, it looks like a Mozilla bug from this angle.

It might also be a problem with specific visual type...

Meelis Roos (mroos at linux.ee)

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