[rescue] libpthread.a on Solaris 8?
Curtis H. Wilbar Jr.
rescue at hawkmountain.net
Sat May 24 00:00:03 CDT 2003
I don't see why you couldn't boot an install CD, or a netboot
environment, and access your compiled binary through the net,
floppy, or cd, without putting anything onto the drives.
I'd suggest a netboot environment as you can have everything the
way you want including your binary and all, and have everything
preset... just boot net, and restore your machine. After
setting up several boxes using Jumpstart, I wouldn't go back to
a CD install.... don't know why the CD install has to be so
inefficient.... but the Jumpstart way is much faster (even on a
10Mbit network).
-- Curt
>Date: Sat, 24 May 2003 00:55:32 -0400
>From: Phil Stracchino <alaric at caerllewys.net>
>To: rescue at sunhelp.org
>Subject: Re: [rescue] libpthread.a on Solaris 8?
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>On Sat, May 24, 2003 at 12:41:06AM -0400, Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. wrote:
>> You should be able to compile most of it static except for the
>> references for the libpthread by linking in the .o and .a files
>> and using -lpthread for the dynamic part... no ?
>Yup, I'm looking somewhat into options like that, but the problem is
>that if *any* of the client is dynamically linked, you've got to make
>much more of an OS installed becore you can restore. It basically means
>that the best you can do is jumpstart a minimum install onto the
>machine, copy the client on and restore, instead of just being able to
>plug in your bare-metal-recovery CD and boot the machine.
>> Since libpthread.so and libthread.so (which I'm sure libpthread.so needs)
>> come "stock" with Solaris 8, unless they get toasted you should be ok.
>Until it comes to bare-metal recovery, yeah. :)
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Curtis Wilbar
Hawk Mountain Networks
rescue at hawkmountain.net
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