[rescue] Free to a good home, Mac stuff
Andrew Weiss
ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Sat Mar 22 18:12:19 CST 2003
On Saturday, March 22, 2003, at 04:08 AM, Innfomail at aol.com wrote:
> AppleTalk was the original Apple networking protocol and it evolved
> into
> LocalTalk.
AppleTalk was/is/and always will be a protocol... it is an umbrella
protocol which includes the following protocols at the following OSI
^ ^
AFP Postscript
Presentation | |
v v
Network DDP
Physical Ethernet HW LocalTalk HW Tokentalk HW FDDI HW
AFP - Apple Filing Protocol
ADSP - AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol
ZIP - Zone Information Protocol
ASP - AppleTalk Session Protocol
PAP - Printer Access Protocol
RTMP - Routing Table Maintenance Protocol
AEP - AppleTalk Echo Protocol
ATP - AppleTalk Transaction Protocol
NBP - Name Binding Protocol
DDP - Datagram Delivery Protocol
AARP - Appletalk Address Resolution Protocol
ELAP - EtherTalk Link Access Protocol
LLAP - Localtalk Link Access Protocol
TLAP - Tokentalk Link Access Protocol
FLAP - FDDITalk Link Access Protocol
From the Cisco texts:
"Apple constructed AppleTalk to be link-layer independent. In other
words, it can theoretically run on top of any link-layer
implementation. Apple supports a variety of link-layer
implementations, including Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, and LocalTalk.
Apple refers to AppleTalk over Ethernet as EtherTalk, to AppleTalk over
Token Ring as TokenTalk, and to AppleTalk over FDDI as FDDITalk.
LocalTalk os Apple's proprietary media-access system. It is based on
contention access, bus topology, and baseband signaling, and runs on
shielded twisted-pair media at 230.4 kbps. The physical interface is
EIA/TIA-422, a balanced electrical interface supported by EIA/TIA-449.
Localtalk segments can span up to 300 meters and support a maximum of
32 nodes.
The original implementation of AppleTalk, which was designed for local
workgroups, is now commonly referred to as AppleTalk Phase 1. With the
installation of more than 1.5 million Macintosh computers in the first
five years of the product's life, however, Apple found that some large
corporations were exceeding the built-in limits of AppleTalk Phase 1,
so they enhanced the protocols. The new protocols, known as AppleTalk
Phase 2, enhanced AppleTalk's routing capabilities and allowed
AppleTalk to run successfully in larger networks."
Appletalk cable addressing is via node number and cable ranges.
AppleTalk has a pretty funny name for bogus DDP datagrams where the DDP
header is always wrong as opposed to only invalid at some point in
time. These are called martians.
PhoneNet was a Farallon product which allowed one to forgo expensive
Apple serial cables in favor of cheap telephone cable and serial to
PhoneNet dongles would do the conversion to each device or node on the
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