[rescue] Apple WWDC Summary

Skeezics Boondoggle skeezics at q7.com
Tue Jun 24 12:10:40 CDT 2003

On Tue, 24 Jun 2003, Phil Stracchino wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 10:40:28AM -0500, Bill Bradford wrote:
> > 
> > Am I the only person who prefers brushed metal to "pinstripes" ?
> Nope.  I find the 'pinstripe' theme sorta ugly.  Brushed metal looks
> pleasingly industrial, yet clean.

Y'know, when Aqua first came out I was willing to ignore some of the
cartoonyness and inconsistencies in it because the important stuff was
under the hood.  But the original NeXTstep "look & feel" was perfectly
matched to the black hardware, and now with the new G5 something like
_that_ with a few modest and well-chosen updates would look so much
better.  I still wish they had an NS "theme" for old diehards like me, or
maybe a "brushed metal NeXTstep" look.  (Would that be the "full metal
jacket" of GUI design? :-)

But it isn't the pinstripes that bug me so much.  I can't put my finger on
it.  Aqua still doesn't feel as complete as NeXTstep did; for all the
gooey lickable shiny goodness, some parts of it just don't seem to gel.  
It just a little undercooked, still.  Wish I could switch off the old 
Apple menu bar, for instance, and have my floating menus back...

Also, the new case is anodized; I wonder if photos on the web can't really
capture the color and texture of it accurately?  Gotta see one up close.  
Y'know, and just fondle it for a while. :-)

-- Chris

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