[rescue] Perverse Question

Geoffrey S. Mendelson gsm at mendelson.com
Sun Jun 15 18:37:39 CDT 2003

Dave McGuire wrote:
>  While they're not binary-compatible, 8080 vs. 
> 8086 assembly code is nearly directly upward compatible.

At one time Intel offered an 8080 -> 8088 assembly language translator.
Wordstar 3.3 was ported from CPM to MS/DOS by running it through the
translator and fixing the different system calls. In fact, I'm typing
this on my wife's computer (using putty) and it has a copy of WS3.3 on
it (I just looked).

Though my second favorite books on computer usage is "The Wordstar User's
Guide to Word Perfect" by W.S. Begone and W.P. Forever. Published by
Word Perfect.

My first is "A Programmers Introduction to the System 360 Architechure
and Assembly Language" (or something like it). I've long since lost my copy.

Geoffrey S. Mendelson gsm at mendelson.com 972-54-608-069
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