[rescue] DG Aviion 3600R rack, AS4100

Dave McGuire mcguire at qyx.com
Wed Jun 11 21:31:02 CDT 2003

On Tuesday, June 10, 2003, at 01:53 AM, Bjorn Ramqvist wrote:
>> I once had occasion to play with an AS4100 with four 600MHz EV5 CPUs
>> with 8MB of cache each.  My God but that machine was fast!
> I'm playing with ES45s with four 1GHz EV68C CPUs with 8MB DDR-Cache
> each. Speed kills. :-)

   ...kills your underwear in this case, I think. ;)


Dave McGuire             "I've grown hair again, just
St. Petersburg, FL           for the occasion."       -Doc Shipley

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