[rescue] Spam (was: Perverse Question)

Brian Dunbar Brian.Dunbar at plexus.com
Mon Jun 9 15:39:29 CDT 2003

Phil Stracchino wrote on  Monday, June 09, 2003 3:25 PM

On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 03:03:58PM -0500, Brian Dunbar wrote:
> Off Topic (or not)
> My wife gave up her teaching job four years ago; the wages she was
> in were going right back out again as day-care; and that wasn't beginning
> cover wear and tear on her car, not to mention she was getting frazzled by
> school politics.
> I can't say we miss the money as there wasn't any coming in.  Gotta love a
> teacher's salary.

If I get the job I'm shooting for tight now, we'll be moving from
Greenville, NC to Wilson, NC, and if we move there and the salary allows
it, we'll be sending our daughter to the very good private school there.
The US as a while may not be willing to invest anything in its
children's futures, but we're damned well going to invest something in

Good luck; I miss North Carolina sometimes.  My wife still eats her hotdogs
'dogs all the way' which I've never understood.  Any one of the ingrediants
is fine, but ALL of them at once?  Ew.

The schools here (Wisconsin) are great, for public schools.  Two of mine are
public-schooled, two others home-schooled, fwiw.


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