[rescue] Ido Dubrawsky is famous

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Mon Jun 9 07:44:55 CDT 2003

On Sun, Jun 08, 2003 at 07:07:07PM -0700, Lionel Peterson wrote:
> Ido, I'm curious, how many books would rescuers need to buy to put $1
> in *your* pocket? Just curious about the realities of book
> authorship... I assume the bulk of any monies you will see were in an
> advance/flat fee for services...
> If you don't mind, a glimpse into the realities would be
> enlightening...

I *think* a lot of his work is a "work for hire" pay-per-page deal, similar
to what I got for writing the VI chapter for Syngress' Solaris 8 certification
study guide a couple of years ago (they reprinted it in the Sol9 edition too).

I made something like $300 after taxes (don't remember the exact amount) and
got a free copy of the book - and then they can take that chapter and do with
it as they wish (for example, reprinted it in the Sol9 book; I didn't know
about it till I ran across the book at Borders one day).  No "number of copies
sold" royalties or anything like that - but then again, some of his publishers
may be different.

For me, it was more of a "wow I wrote part of this book" thing than a "I can
make tons of money off of this" thing.


bill bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
austin, texas

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