[rescue] Being jobless

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Mon Jul 28 04:25:22 CDT 2003

On Sunday, July 27, 2003, at 04:02  PM, Phil Stracchino wrote:

> Being still jobless and flat broke ...

With as many  of us on this list that are jobless, and approaching flat 
broke, it's too bad we can't band together and start a company that can 
be staffed by mostly telecommuters (as we're spread out quite a bit).

I wonder how much of a market there would be for web hosting, and/or 
unix shell hosting on a 20 processor Sun SC2000? (I'm still trying to 
figure out some way of making money with this machine, but as time goes 
on I'm afraid that the fact that there are 20 CPUs in the machine isn't 
going to matter to *normal* folks as much as the fact that they're only 
running at 85mhz each.

-Mike       +------------------------------+          (/**\)
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Email: schiller at nospam.agrijag.com          http://www.agrijag.com

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