[rescue] ebay userid listing...

Robert Novak rnovak at indyramp.com
Thu Jan 30 11:13:49 CST 2003

Hi folks,

An idea has been bouncing around in my mind amidst the flurry of ebay
related posts here. 

I'd like to set up a list of sunhelp.org list members and their auction
IDs. This would make it easier to avoid bidding against each other. A
couple of people I've chatted with about this think it's a safe and
legitimate thing to do--we're not conspiring with sellers to raise their
prices, so ebay should have no issues with it.

If you'd like to be listed, please send me an email offlist with "ebay
directory" in the subject. Include the following:

	Your name
	Your ebay id
	Any other auction id you want listed (amazon, yahoo)
	Your email address, if you want it listed

I will make the list available on my website, and will ask Bill if he is
comfortable posting it on sunhelp somewhere semi-private for our

If you are licensed to practice law in the United States (preferably
California) and wish to make a free consultation on why we shouldn't do
this, feel free to contact me. :) I am not a lawyer, just an ebay user who
doesn't want to step on his friends' toes and would like to know his
friends' ebay IDs to avoid risking a friendship over a cheap Sun box he
doesn't really need anyway :-)

Robert Novak, Indyramp Consulting * rnovak at indyramp.com * indyramp.com/~rnovak
	"I don't want to doubt you, Know everything about you
      I don't want to sit Across the table from you Wishing I could run."

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