[rescue] Sparc20 help?
Curtis H. Wilbar Jr.
rescue at hawkmountain.net
Wed Feb 19 22:23:10 CST 2003
With the keyboard and monitor connected, power on the computer
while holding the stop and 'N' keys simultainously until you see
video or your fingers go numb :-)
Maybe some setting in the NVRAM has you hosed.
Also, I don't immedialy recall which DIMM slot is the first slot to
populate, but it either the front one or rear one, I can't recall.
As I recall the open boot promp works with the DIMM in either, but
if you try to boot without a DIMM in the first slot, Solaris chokes
and dies (as I recall anyway).
The first CPU slot is the lower one and that is the one to populate
-- Curt
>Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 23:23:45 -0500
>From: Mike Johnson <mike at enoch.org>
>To: rescue at sunhelp.org
>User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.25i
>Subject: [rescue] Sparc20 help?
>I need some help. :( I've had a Sparc20 base sitting around for a while
>(bought it off eBay), that was totally stripped. No discs of any sort,
>no RAM, no CPU, no SBUS cards, no VSIMM, nothing. I screwed up on an
>auction recently and ended up with some ss20 DIMMs (misread the listing,
>thought I was getting cheap RAM for my ss5's), so I went looking for a
>CPU. Got a SM61 for ~$11 shipped, which arrived today.
>The saga continues. I drop some of the RAM in, taking a moment to
>figure out the orientation, drop in the CPU, and hit the power switch.
>Nothing. No green light, no output to serial console. Grr. Move the
>CPU to the lower slot, move the memory to the slots closest to the
>front, try again. Yay, green light, still no output to serial. Pull
>all the RAM but one, try a different stick, still no output. Put in a
>video card I have laying around, plug in keyboard, hit power button on
>keyboard, monitor gets no signal.
>So, I'm stuck. A friend verified the RAM in an Ultra1, the video card
>worked when I pulled it, the seller says the CPU worked when it was
>pulled, yet I can't get any output from the thing. Oh, and the fans in
>the power supply do spin up just fine.
>Any ideas? I did some searching, but could certainly have missed
>"If life hands you lemons, YOU BLOW THOSE LEMONS TO BITS WITH
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