[rescue] Re: Re: Small serial terminal

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 18 20:16:00 CST 2003

--- Linc Fessenden <linc at thelinuxlink.net> wrote:

> Yup!  It may not be quite as advanced as say RPM's, but at least you
> don't end up in dependancy hell either.

I just updated a RH Linux laptop using "up2date", and it went pretty
well, though I am confused about the "ignored" upgrades... Also, I
would prefer if it only offered to upgrade packages already installed
(or, if I do have all those damn packages loaded, including a
U.N.-class number of foreign language files, I guess I need to do some
serious pruning)...

I suspect the problem with RPM dependencies is that no one organization
makes the rules (like Sun with SOlaris packages), so it seems a bit
schizo at times...


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