[rescue] Want list

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. rescue at hawkmountain.net
Mon Feb 17 22:46:53 CST 2003

Since I keep posting about what I'm looking for, I thought I'd condense
it to one post:


Hard drive interface for Atari 8 bit computers (400/800/1200XL/800XL/or 130XE)
(ICD MIO, Black Box, K drive, etc).  Included hard drive a plus.

Sun 3/80 mainboard, or entire 3/80
Sun 2/120 parts (boards, internal tape drive, multibus cards, etc)
Sun SM520 CPU (or is it 521)... I have one of them, I need the other (or both)
Sparcstation 20 Auxiliary video adapter (to utilize second VSIMM slot)

SGI Indigo2 drive sleds (the metal ones w/the yellow lever)
SGI ev3 board for Indigo2 (digitizes incoming video w/MPEG compression
in hardware)

Altos 886 Diagnostic boot floppy
Altos 886 Xenis operating system floppies

Versyss Unix operating system load media (I need to find out more
specifically which system this is, it is a custom i386 based box
I do believe... but not ISA, EISA, PCI or anything like that... complete
custom job)

Original SunOS 1.X, 2.X, or 3.X media
(I have images of 3.5, are images of 1.x or 2.x around?)

Two Intel Pentium III 800 (100MHZ FSB) or Pentium III 933 (133MHZ FSB)
Slot 1 or Socket 370 processors.

-- Curt

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