[rescue] Framebuffer question

Kevin Loch kloch at gurunet.net
Mon Feb 17 10:51:27 CST 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "Curtis H. Wilbar Jr." <rescue at hawkmountain.net>
Date: Monday, February 17, 2003 11:17 am
Subject: Re: [rescue] Framebuffer question

> If you don't have a 10SX, then you'll want a ZX framebuffer or a 
> turboZXframebuffer.  The turbo versions ran hot and have additional 
> coolingdevices that need to be installed in the sbus slots above? 
> the card.

I just did a test on my ss1000, and a CG12 was much faster
for regular 2d (netscape4.x) than a ZX.  This was on 
Solaris 2.6 with the sun4m drivers from 2.4.  The 2.4
drivers did not work on 2.7.  Here is the relative performace
for regular 2d X use (sbus):

cg14 (sx) Fastest
cg12 (gs) 
TCX (ss5 only, scrollbars are extremely slow)
ZX   (leo)

For all the hype and impressive hardware I have
never been impressed with the ZX.  

> If using a ZX Sun's last OS to support the ZX is Solaris 2.6, but 
> I've read
> people extracted and installed the ZX packages from Solaris 2.6 
> onto Solaris
> 7 and possibly Solaris 8 and used the ZX fine.

ZX packages from 2.6 will work through 2.9 (32bit kernel only!)
with no significant problems.

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