[rescue] Framebuffer question

William G.Gruesbeck Jr. bgruesbeck at daysys.com
Mon Feb 17 07:03:18 CST 2003

I have been lurking around for a while now and just thought that I'd pipe up 
and ask a question. I have a Sparcstation 10 that I rescued a while ago that 
is configured with 128 mb ram, a TMS390Z50 @ 40MHZ, and a cgsix frambuffer. 
Everything works fine, but I would really like to have a deeper color depth. 
I have looked at the docs on sunhelp.org and I didn't see any mention of a 16 
bit sbus framebuffer, but the cg8, cg9, cg12, & cg14 are all listed as 24 bit 
color. I was just wondering which is recommended? Also how much would one 
cost roughly? Currently, I mainly run progs. from another machine since this 
one seems kinda slow and poky.

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