SNMP BABY! (was: [rescue] IBM RS/6k 48P)

rescue at rescue at
Thu Feb 6 08:21:08 CST 2003

> > An SM100 isn't even worth the cost of shipping--it's one of the few
> > Sun parts that I would just throw away if I found one laying around
> > in our lab.
> Well, from what I know that CPU module runs fine in an SS10... If you
> have a barebone SS10 and want to try it, it's fine. 

Umm.  Your definition of "runs fine" is different than mine.  Praytell,
what operating system are you using that fully supports the SM100
without having to sacrifice small animals in the light of the moon,
and actually has acceptable performance?

The SS10 in which I played with an SM100 didn't want to run any reasonable
OS, and had performance which seemed lower than an SS1+.  Yes, it might
be okay for certain tasks--but I wouldn't describe it as "runs fine".
Not trying to be a snob here, just a realist--I have several SM41-based
systems here that are fully productive members of the community, and
they'll take away my LX systems when they pry them from my cold dead
fingers.  I'd still throw away an SM100 if I came across one.


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