[rescue] Network aware power switch?

Dieter Montanez dieter at plantcomputers.com
Sat Dec 20 18:08:15 CST 2003

 This industrial switches do have a "relais"  output


btw .. in european jargon "relais" is quite valid... in english, german,
french or spanish.



Kris Kirby wrote:

  On Sat, 22 Nov 2003, Jochen Kunz wrote:

    I solved this by connectiong the input of a solid state relais to the
    DTR line of a terminal server. If I connect to the serial port DTR
    becomes active, switching power on via the solid state relais. When I
    disconnect DTR gets droped and the power is shut off. You need a solid
    state relais because the DTR line doesn't deliver enough power for a
    mechanical relais.

  <pedant> relay(s) </pedant>
  Interesting phonetics though. :)
  Kris Kirby, KE4AHR    <kris at nospam.catonic.net>    TGIFreeBSD IM: 'KrisBSD'
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