[rescue] Re: Drive Reliability (was SCSI drive for sale at buy.com)
Andrew Weiss
ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Fri Apr 25 19:26:01 CDT 2003
I used to have one of those drives that I got off ebay in like 1997 or
so for like $85... had a 17ms access time. I used it in a Mac IIx to
install OpenBSD on. I had to hunt around for a formatting tool to get
it to work, but once it did it worked like a charm... sounded like a
jet when it spun up... It would chitter lightly when running Mac OS
7.5.5, but when running OpenBSD it would vibrate the table. How did I
fit the critter in a IIx you might ask?... I didn't... I put it in a PC
XT desktop case and ran the ribbon cable out the back slots and into
the IIx. The thing stacked up looked like a Gigantic Lisa.
On Friday, April 25, 2003, at 12:58 PM, Sheldon T. Hall wrote:
> Heh. I used to have _four_ of those in one machine. Firing it up was
> interesting. A _looooong_ series of wind-up noises ("Gentlemen, start
> your
> engines!"), then "BING!" ... "BING!" ... "BING!BING!".
> It never failed to solicit a "WTF"? from unitiated onlookers.
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