[rescue] IBM J box

Jonathan C Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Wed Oct 23 11:36:59 CDT 2002

On Wednesday, October 23, 2002, at 06:50 AM, Eric Webb wrote:

> Okay, now that I've won this, I've gotta start finding RAM, drives and 
> maybe
> see if I can find additional CPUs to populate the thing.  Any idea if 
> this
> will take the same memory found on these 7012-3xx desktops that I have 
> laying
> around?

I doubt it, since the slots on the memory-boards appear to be 168-bin, 
and every 7012 I've seen (admittedly not many) took 72-pin chips.

So, if you have all these 7012-3xx boxes just lying around, do you have 
any parts[0] you might be willing to part with?  I rescued a 7012-370 
from the dumpster on Monday, and it's a great box aside from the tiny 
discs and almost no memory.

[0] Or whole systems?  AIX is very quickly becoming one of my favorite 
flavors of Unix.  How can you not like an OS with a habit of slapping 
the admin saying "Do it RIGHT or go HOME!"?

Jonathan C. Patschke
Celestrion Information Systems
Thorndale, TX

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