[rescue] Q: media checker under OS/X?

vraptor at employees.org vraptor at employees.org
Sat Oct 19 16:45:33 CDT 2002

Anyone know of a software that will do what the older
versions of Norton Utilities did--examine removable
media like floppies, zip, etc?  (Particularly, read
the data and rewrite it on the floppy to "refresh"

I have a current copy of Norton Utilities for OS X,
but it doesn't seem to have the same functionality wrt
floppies that the "Classic" versions did or say,
ndd.exe for DOS had.

I used the built in disk utility under OS X to check the
disks that I sent off this weekend to folks, but that only
does basic file table/directory sanity checks.

I'm sure I can still use ndd.exe under Windoze for the
PC floppies (some things--even software--you never throw
away :-), but I'd like to find something I can use under
OS X instead of having to boot into OS 9.2.  Or are floppies
so passe that I should just give this up?

ObRescue: Anyone still have 5.25" diskette drive in their
x86 boxes?  Speaking of which, I may have that software on
5.25" diskette that converted various file formats back in
the day...for example...between CPM WordStar and DOS
Wordstar, etc.  (Guess I have more digging to do.)


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