[rescue] more booty on the way

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Fri Oct 11 17:10:45 CDT 2002

On Friday, October 11, 2002, at 06:03 PM, Chris Hedemark wrote:
> I'm on the way to Raleigh now to pick up:
> Sparcsystem 300
> MicroVAX 3100 M38
> That's all the detail I have on the hardware.  I noticed in the 
> archives
> that Linc has an M38 in his farm but other than that I'm not seeing 
> much on
> this beast.  This will be my first VAX.

   I've used VS3100-M38 machines a lot back when they were new, and own 
several of them now.  Whaddya wanna know about 'em?  Here's some basics:

   SCSI, can take two internal 3.5" HDs
   May have SCSI 3.5" 1.44MB floppy
   Can be run headless (console terminal on the MMJ port marked 
   Can take a GPX (Dragon chipset) framebuffer...1024x864, 8 bits
   GPX framebuffer can be run as greyscale or color depending on the tube
   Uses LK201/LK401 keyboards
   Can run VMS, Ultrix, or NetBSD quite well


Dave McGuire          "PC users only know two 'solutions'...
St. Petersburg, FL       reboot and upgrade."    -Jonathan Patschke

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