[rescue] Re: EBay treasure

Shawn Wallbridge swallbridge at franticfilms.com
Fri Oct 11 13:56:55 CDT 2002

Eric Dittman wrote:

>>I was the buyer.
>>It was a nice RS/6k. I won it for $26 (they listed it wrong) and when I 
>>contacted them, they said the couldn't sell it for less than $200. I 
>>complained to eBay and the guy got a notice on his feedback page. Pretty 
>There's always small claims.  File locally, win, then have the
>sheriff in the sellers location seize the equipment for you.
Except I am in a different country.

It wasn't really worth it to me. They could have just screwed me on the 
shipping (which is the first thing they tried, something wrong about 
$160 shipping charge).


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