[rescue] VAX Pull movie

Eric Dittman dittman at dittman.net
Fri Oct 4 12:45:43 CDT 2002

> > I moved a BA440 upstairs by myself, and carried a BA440 rack-
> > mount chassis from in front of the house to the garage.  I
> > wouldn't recommend doing that, but rain was coming and I
> > didn't have anyone to help at the time.
> I carried my BA213 and BA123 up to my 3rd floor apartment.  The BA123 
> was empty, but the BA213 was full.  I'll be moving them again shortly, 
> as I am in the process of buying a house.  That being said..... I may 
> have the freebies to post in the coming weeks..... odd's and ends mostly.

Not freebies, but I've got all my PDP-11 stuff available for
cheap.  The only problem is I want it to all go together, so
it really needs to be a pickup.
Eric Dittman
dittman at dittman.net
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