[rescue] IBM on ebay

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue May 14 23:09:50 CDT 2002

> Then, on a related subject, is there a reason that this
> one is so cheap?
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2023868831

Sure, there's *always* a reason or two:
1.  66Mhz processor scares most people away (Look, Myrtle...
    someone wants to sell a computer "slower" than my PDA!)
2.  Mmmm...8-bit graphics on 3BNC--so most people either need
    to buy (and ship) the monitor that's being offered, or
    scrounge one of their own
3.  "The CPU powers up, but because I do not have any way to
     check its operation, I am selling as is. At power up,
     the numeric display cycles to 233 in both normal and
     service modes."  If that doesn't scare you away, then
     you *might* be a redneck...er...um...rescuegeek.
4.  ~$150 quoted for shipment (not completely unreasonable,
    but more than I would be thrilled at paying)
5.  No disks...means no OS.

If this is what I *think* it is (I'm not an RS/6000 geek)
then its big brother ran my mother's Navy library for
several years...and it would be a neat system.  Personally,
I still wouldn't go for it unless I needed a new time sink
*and* had access to both RS/6000-smart folks and old copies
of AIX.


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