[rescue] 1st SGI purchase

Mike Meredith hmv at meredithm.fsnet.co.uk
Thu Mar 28 21:42:55 CST 2002

On Friday 29 March 2002 01:13, you wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 28, 2002 at 06:59:01PM -0600, Bill Bradford wrote:
> > Purple usually indicates Impact graphics of some sort; Teal is
> > Extreme and below.  The original I2s were teal.
> But, there are a lot of teal I2s that were upgraded to impact without
> the news skins being put on.  And, I'm sure there are a few extreme
> machines in purple skins cause someone thought it would be cool.

That someone being SGI ... most of the purple I^2's with non-impact 
graphics are probably "IMPACT-ready" and sold as such by SGI. There's a 
lot of difference between a teal and a purple I^2, and it didn't make 
sense for SGI to continue to make the teal I^2.

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