[rescue] OK trash pile #1

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Fri Mar 15 12:35:37 CST 2002

I need to get some stuff out of here...

There is a plastic+metal cheap Sparc 1 case (nothing inside) (cheap 
being it doesn't have the metal cross-bars so it warps easily a twist of 
the wrist will do it)

A stack of Quantum 105S's Maxtor SY213's (400 MB or so), Seagate 80 
MB's, Apple 500 MB, Apple 160MB, etc drives... all 500 MB or under.

Unknown Apple Monitor stand

Imation SuperDisk (Blue) for Mac USB ... (something in the firmware is 
borked and it hangs MacOS classic until unplugged... it only works in OS 
X and spottily at that.

Parts of a Powerbook 145B... motherboard, RAM, floppy, and 80MB disk + 
plastic case bottom and modem... unknown condition.

Let me know guys...

Gotta go...


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