[rescue] Punch the Monkey (was: SS2 memory?)

James Sharp jsharp at psychoses.org
Fri Mar 8 02:16:42 CST 2002

> You leave Java$cript enabled!?!?!??!  No wonder you have problems!

At the moment, no I don't leave it enabled all the time.  But I get really
freakin tired of having to go turning it on & turning it off & turning it
back on when I go bounding between web sites.

As much as I'd love to say "fuck javascript" and leave it off all the
time, I'm not about to lose access to several key sites that make my life
much easier (Online banking, mainly...and don't even ask them to make a
non-JS page.  I just now got them to understand the fact that 128-bit
encruption under Netscape/Solaris is just the same as 128-bit encryption
under Netscape/Windozes)

> Java$cript is the worst evil of the web (well maybe not so bad as Flash).

I always thought that was IIS.  (Just brought up a webserver for weather
information locally, and within 20 minutes, it had gotten scanned by 9
different codered & nimda infected servers).

> it also causes nearly every browser I know of to crash far more often
> than it would otherwise....

JS doesn't seem to piss off my browsers.  Java applets are an entirely
different story, though.

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