[rescue] Anyone know what this is?

Eric Dittman dittman at dittman.net
Mon Mar 4 14:37:31 CST 2002

> > My understanding is that mini-50 means no more than fast-scsi2, which to my
> > recal means no more than 10megs per second.  If it is 68pins, then I forget
> > what that means, but I think it is either fast-wide-scsi2 at 20 megs, or
> > Ultra-wide at 40 megs.
> [...]
> Technically speaking, you can do 20 MB/sec at Ultra speeds with a mini-50.
> Some drives are out there that can do this.  However, most Ultra speed
> controllers are UW, and most of the drives out there that do ultra speed
> do wide.
> I think one of the plextors does ultra SCSI.

I have a Plextor Ultra SCSI CDROM drive.
Eric Dittman
dittman at dittman.net
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