[rescue] USB digital audio

Eric Webb ttlchaos at randomc.com
Sat Mar 2 13:12:24 CST 2002

On Saturday 02 March 2002 12:42 pm, you wrote:
> [There was some discussion here recently of multichannel digital audio and
> S/PDIF vs. USB, so this may be of interest.]
> Here are links to parts one, two, and three of a three part series on the
> design on a digital audio USB DAC chip.  After reading part two, I still
> think isochronous USB is a poor substitute for S/PDIF, especially if you're
> interested in running multiple channels synchronously.

USB does isochronous?  Why not try doing 1394 since it's supposedly better at 
the isochronous stuff and offers more bandwidth.

Hmm, I wonder if there are any such 1394 devices out there yet... (probably 


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