[rescue] those who should be shot

Julius Sridhar vance at ikickass.org
Sat Mar 2 01:35:22 CST 2002

On Sat, 2 Mar 2002, Bill Bradford wrote:

> > Are you saying that since my name originates with Sanskrit, and you're an
> > English-speaker, you can pronounce my name whatever way you like?  I would
> > not tolerate that.
> Okay, edjumacate me here.
> Around the office, we call a guy named "Sridhar",
> "sree-dhar". I've also heard it "cir-ee-dar", but
> mostly "sree-dhar".

"cir-ee-dar" is the most accurate of the three, but in Sanskrit, the "r"
isn't fully pronounced.  It's just a quick roll of the tongue.  Also, the
"dh" sound should be fully prononunced.  There is not hard "d" nor a "th".
About halfway in between.  The same short-roll-of-the-tongue tip applies
to the second "r".  So I would say that the pronounciation would be
closest to "cir-ee-dhar" with the emphasis on the two outermost syllables.

Peace...  Sridhar

> Which is the correct, in your opinion, pronunciation, or
> am I *completely* off base?
> Bill
> --
> Bill Bradford
> mrbill at mrbill.net
> Austin, TX
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