[rescue] my new sig

Stephen D. B. Wolthusen stephen at wolthusen.com
Thu Jun 27 08:07:28 CDT 2002


On 27-Jun-2002 Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
> ssandau at bath.tmac.com wrote:
>> Hmmm. As I remember, God apparently had quite a bit to do with the
>> founding of this country. Don't I remeber that God figures rather
>> prominently in the Declaration of Independence? Do we now have to
>> re-mint all our coins because we don't trust in God any more?
> No, because the motto was really not "In G-D we trust". It was minted that
> way
> because there wasn't enough room for the real motto:
>       "In G-D we trust, all others pay cash."

Nah, that's too close to advertisement. See, G-D is the common abbreviation for
``Giesecke & Devrient'', which incidentially is one of the world's largest
manufacturers of bills (as in currency, a number of countries outsource this
job even across national borders), bonds, stock certificates etc. 

Visions of paralegals painstakingly pasting ``trust nobody'' across dollar
bills... Gnnh. And I thought the laugh test was something unique to engineering.



Stephen Wolthusen (stephen at wolthusen.com)

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