[rescue] re: HP 700/xx Terminal Help [Was: fans fans fans]

Mike Nicewonger twmaster at twmaster.com
Fri Jun 21 16:10:58 CDT 2002

on 6/21/02 4:40 PM, Sheldon T. Hall at shel at cmhcsys.com wrote:

> lesliec at theplanet.com (Leslie Connally) sez:
>> Anyone use HP 700/xx terminals?

Not yet. However I have an HP server I need to set up and it would prolly
work best with a 700/96 on it.

>> Even negotiating its config confuses me.

that it is.
>> But I have several..so it seems a waste. Can anyone help?

I am interested n one if it is VERY clean.

>> Docs available?

I have a new country kit and docs for the 700/96

Mike N

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