ad ideas (was: computer building? was: [rescue] Noise levels)

Skeezics Boondoggle skeezics at
Thu Jun 20 21:36:47 CDT 2002

> Geeky guy from Office Space sits down, starts to work.  Hot chica walks
> by, and he spills his bottle of Jolt! cola all over the workstation...
> etc etc..

hmmm.  those are good.  how about:

crowded terminal room full of sunrays.  attractive female sits at a
station in the center with headphones on, hacking away quietly at the
keyboard.  guy at the station next to her gets up, closes up his backpack,
pulls out his smart card, walks away -- mad dash by all the rest of the 
guys in the room to grab his station...

	"sun ray 'hot desk' technology:  need we say more?"

scenario 2:

geeky guy sits in small cubicle with a sun ray, rolling his chair back and
forth over his smart card, bending it over the edge of the desk,
scratching at it with a paper clip... zoom in on mangled card... guy grins
and reaches for the phone... checks his breath... moments later drop dead
gorgeous network tech shows up, and he sheepishly holds up the card...
"okay, fred, but this is the last time..."

	"sun ray.  the only obstacle to productivity... is you."

[you could reverse the sexes in that one, have a geekgrrl mangle the card 
and biff studpile shows up to fix it...]

i fear that deep inside me a little ad guy is screaming to get out.  so i
should go drink beer and read more solaris kernel internals and bash the
little bastard with a shovel...

-- skeez

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