[rescue] Geekshelf Gallery

Kevin Loch kloch at gurunet.net
Thu Jun 20 15:54:37 CDT 2002

Following up on a previous promise, I have created a Brickshelf
style gallery for more general geek interest.


Operation is simple:

create an account
click the url in the verification email
create at least one folder (you can't upload to your "home" folder)
upload a file (or a zip of files)
folders can contain files or other folders

When you create a folder, you have to select at least one standard
or free-form keyword to identify the content in that folder.
When you upload files, you can optionally re-set the keywords for
the entire folder (though it's not required).  The "standard keywords"
are used to generate the standard views on the homepage, but you can
enter any appropriate keywords in the free-form box for searches/custom
views (actually, I don't think the search function searches keywords yet,
but it will eventually).

Any ideas for other "standard" keyword tags would be appreciated.

Have Fun.


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