[rescue] best NetBSD support

George Adkins george at webbastard.org
Tue Jun 18 19:42:18 CDT 2002

> > That's a bit like saying that the tire was flattened while on the car,
> > so it can be repaired while on the car, isn't it? ;)
> No, not at all -- esp. not when you consider that "de"-programming is
> just a matter of programming with garbage as opposed to removing
> anything.  It's more like saying the oil was put into the engine while
> the engine was in the car, and it can be taken out and new oil can be
> put in, all without removing the engine from the car.  Yes, there are
> exceptions, but they are few and _very_ far between (in terms of numbers
> of models, not numbers of cars).

Yes, and this is one of them.  After all, if it were as simple as 
re-programming the firmware prom, and there were no difficulty in doing so, 
then it wouldn't draw complaints now would it?

(Watching Greg Troll/Get Trolled is beginning to make me think of Daffy Duck 
in 'Pronoun Trouble'.)


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