[rescue] Sick Dreamcast hacker

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Tue Jun 18 11:40:39 CDT 2002

On June 18, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> HP41.  Aren't those rather old?  I guess if it does the job, but then,

  Yes, ancient.  I have at least one of nearly every calculator HP has
ever made, and most of TIs, but the HP41CX and HP28S are what stay on
my desk.  Except for adding fancy features like graphing (which,
realistically, rarely gets used outside of colleges) calculator
technology simply hasn't advanced much past where it was 25 years ago.
And my HP41 is a mean machine...it has an NTSC output, a disk drive, a
printer, and an HP-IB instrument control interface. B-)

  My point is...not only does it "do the job", it does it better than
anything else I've tried, new or old...and believe me, when it comes
to calculators, I've tried 'em all.  If you haven't test driven an
HP41, you should!

> don't you have a computer right next to you?

  Several, in fact.  But when one really needs a needlenose pliers,
vise-grips seldom do the trick.  I also don't keep a computer on my
electronics bench...I'm a person with a *lot* of test equipment, and
bench real estate is kinda precious.

> I hear that HP is out of the calculator business now.  That means that
> pretty much only TI is left, doesn't it?

  I've been hearing that about HP for about the past five years.  Has it
actually happend this time?  Has that fucking thief Fiorina screwed
the pooch even further?  What more is that damned incompetent suited
wench going to destroy?


Dave McGuire                       "*BURRRP!*  Mmm...tastes like cannoli,
St. Petersburg, FL                    smells like garlic!" -Sridhar

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