[rescue] Wanted: decent mp3 jukebox app

James Lockwood james at foonly.com
Sun Jun 9 04:03:01 CDT 2002

Ok, I'm finally getting into this decade and am converting large chunks of
my audio to machine-readable formats.  The challenge: organizing the
collection and building a box that can act as a player.  I'd probably want
to use a SS5 or SS20 running Solaris, they have a nice low power draw,
reasonably high audio quality, and should have more than enough CPU oomph
(SS5/170 or SS20/71).

I'm looking for a good "jukebox" app.  Requirements are that it can be
accessed by multiple people simultaneously (which probably means a
web-based interface) and allow for building playlists to randomly shuffle
as well as explicitly selecting songs.

What I probably don't want is an app that "streams" audio files to a
client tool.  I want all audio playback happening on the server which will
feed into a stereo.  Nice features would be the ability to select sets of
playlists to use simultaneously instead of singly, feedback in the UI of
playstate (progress bar or similar), and the ability to associate out of
band data with the mp3 files outside of their filenames and directory
structure (descriptions etc).  CDDB integration would be cool.  An easy to
use UI that doesn't need Javascript would be very cool, it will be used by
some of the less technical members of my household.

It seems like there should be piles of apps out there to do stuff like
this, but what I've found so far are apps like MAES that want to stream to
a desktop box.  This can probably be shoehorned into doing what I want but
it would be a lot nicer to have something that natively fit my
requirements (probably by directly invoking mpg123 or similar).  A SQL
back end seems like overkill but doesn't bug me too much.

Anyone have a good suggestion?


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