[rescue] Question about Sun (and maybe SGI monitors)

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Thu Jun 6 14:40:56 CDT 2002

Some Sun GD-M20E20 monitors say 1280x1024.  For instance:

Others say 1600x1200.  Like:

Are these two different monitors, or are some people over/under
estimating what their monitor can do?  My 17" Dell was sold saying it
does 1280x1024, and Dell says that also, yet it will do 1600x1200 for me.

I seem to remeber see the same conflicting info about but Sun and SGI
for all the 2?E2? monitors, but I limited it to the 20e20 since I have
specific things to cite.

I seem to remeber hearing about a Sun monitor faq, but I can't find it.

Joshua D. Boyd

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