[rescue] Dead AlphaServer 1000 in DC/VA/MD area

Michael A. Turner mturner at whro.org
Thu Jun 6 09:49:17 CDT 2002

	I could really really really use the ram if you are willing to just
ship that down to me, I am in virginia beach	

Michael A. Turner
Systems Engineer
michael.turner at whro.org

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Braun [mailto:mjbraun at enteract.com]
> Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 8:29 AM
> To: rescue at sunhelp.org
> Subject: [rescue] Dead AlphaServer 1000 in DC/VA/MD area
> I have a dead AS 1000 in the DC area that perhaps someone 
> would like for
> parts or target practice or something. It has RAM (256 MB IIRC) but is
> generally a boat anchor now. If you're in the Washington DC 
> area and would
> like to pick it up, email me off list.
> It's free, but if you have anything that you might donate in 
> swap, that's
> "mo betta".
> Thanks!
> ===========[b l i x]============
> "Rub the bee. Rub the bee.
> Keep rubbing the bee or damn
>   your eyes, your life is ashes.
> ================================
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