[rescue] Re: bunch of 670mp hardware in California on Ebay

Chad Fernandez fernande at internet1.net
Tue Jun 4 23:22:27 CDT 2002

Leslie Connally wrote:
> I aint even gunna _look_ at the ebay posting.. dont need to.. I've already
> adopted a skid of 670s and storage boxes once upon a time... weighed a
> ton.. probably literally.. NO WAY it makes sense to ship one of these..
> THEY ARE HEAVY!! Drive boxes ( 12x 5 1/4 1 or 2 GB drives) are unliftable..

Yeah, I know they are heavy, that's why I don't own one yet :-(  They 
are never in Michigan.  Normally, they are on the west coast, sometimes 
the east coast.

Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA

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