[rescue] Ultra?

s at avoidant.org s at avoidant.org
Wed Jul 31 07:19:16 CDT 2002

Everyone wrote:

> U5/U10 - SUCK

Gah! What other ultrasparc are you going to get so cheap? A bootable 
SCSI card for it should run under $100, and probably less. My U10/440 
w/SCSI and Creator 3D kicks major ass, and I'm quite happy with it. The 
case design leaves quite a bit to be desired, but I don't open it up 
that much.

Yes, I'd love to have UltraSPARC SMP, but I'll hold out for an 80 for 
that. I have a quad SS20 on my desk at home that I won't give up 'till I 
find something else that'll do three heads.

Buncha snobs.


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