Drive speed [was: Re: [rescue] What sucks.]

Brent B. Powers powers at
Fri Jul 26 09:55:15 CDT 2002

>>>>> "Greg" == Greg A Woods <woods at> writes:


    Greg> I've got a Trimm tower chassis with four such drives
    Greg> installed (2GB units made by HP, IIRC), but I need a
    Greg> standard mini-AT-style 400 watt power supply to fire them
    Greg> up....  The 300W unit won't even drive them when they're
    Greg> spun up separately.  I've found a few manufacturers who list
    Greg> such supplies, but they only sell to OEMs or distributors
    Greg> and I can't find anyone in Toronto who even knows how to
    Greg> order one through their distributor.  :-( I had planned to
    Greg> use it for RAIDframe tests.

PC Power & Cooling ( makes utterly
solid power supplies. Quite expensive, but very well engineered and
very reliable. Further, their idea of support is "we'll replace
that". I had a horrific supermicro motherboard that used to smoke
itself once every six months whether it needed to or not, and they
replaced the supply twice before I just gave up on the machine.

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