[rescue] Gah, why don't they just give them away?

Corda Albert J DLVA CordaAJ at NSWC.NAVY.MIL
Fri Jul 26 18:01:08 CDT 2002

I picked up one of the first ones this guy put up on ebay...
it had a "buy-it-now" price of $199 (I think his buy-now
price has gone up a bit, but not much :-)  Shipping was
about $35.00, and he delivered relatively quickly. My guess
is that he has a few of these, and is posting them one or
two at a time.

I haven't powered it up yet, but I did completely disassemble
the critter to clean it (it needed a _really_ good cleaning).
It was in relatively good shape.  175 Mhz CPU, earliest
rev. motherboard (the -003 one), Lucent power supply, SI graphics.
Case was a bit scuffed up, but no broken plastic. I _think_ the
light bar is dead, but I'm not concerned as I intend to replace
the bulbs with LEDs anyway.  I also happen to have a spare sled,
so hopefully, everything will go together nicely.

BTW, I now know how to take one of these completely apart,
if anyone is interested. (Of course, I won't know if I killed
it until I power it up ;-)

-acorda at 1bigred.com

> -----Original Message-----
> From: lesliec at theplanet.com [mailto:lesliec at theplanet.com]
> Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 6:02 PM
> To: rescue at sunhelp.org
> Subject: RE: [rescue] Gah, why don't they just give them away?
> did it go to someone here in the 'family' ?
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2041214723
> L
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