[rescue] vt100 question

dave at cca.org dave at cca.org
Tue Jul 23 17:10:06 CDT 2002

Anyone have the setup bits docu handy for a VT100?
(Actually a VT101.)

This is what I've been able to guess so far:

	1 - smooth/jump scroll
	2 - key repeat
	3 - reverse video
	4 - block/underline

	1 - 
	2 - keyclick
	3 - 
	4 - handshaking

	1 - 
	2 -
	3 - CR/LF
	4 - 50/60 Hz

	1 - 
	2 -
	3 - echo
	4 - (something video?)

------ David Fischer ------- dave at cca.org ------- http://www.cca.org -------
---------- "Anything Jesus can do, I can do better." - The Locust ----------

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