[rescue] intel vs. sun- for real

George Adkins george at webbastard.org
Sun Jul 21 10:13:08 CDT 2002

> > How about 8 U1E's? 170's or 200's.
> > They should be able to take all the data you can push through a network
> > interface, and they will handle 73 gig drives. (one each)
> >
> > I'm making the assumption that your machines are on fast-E, not Gigabit
> > or SAN.
> They're currently on Fast-E, but we really wanna go Gig. Also, I meant
> eight 73G drives EACH (plus boot drive).
Ahh, whoops.  That kinda changes the scale from what I was thinking.
This brings to mind thw question, how are Intel boxes even keeping up at all?


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