[rescue] DECstation 5000

Jochen Kunz jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de
Wed Jul 17 15:45:04 CDT 2002

On 2002.07.16 20:45 Francisco Javier Mesa-Martinez wrote:

> They were the machines that were supposed to get the ARC going
> until manufacturers could get their own designs on the market, I think
> only Acer and Olivetti did release actual machines on the field (EISA
> R4K based systems).
(Some) Simens RMx00 machines are ARC, some SGIs (Indy, Indigo2?).

> DEC -> gone
Yes. :-((( 

> Intergraph -> gone
Intergraph is not gone, they "only" left the 3D graphics hardware

> SGI -> almost gone
Don't call it dead until it is really dead. 


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