[rescue] VRE01/VT1200 pictures

James Lockwood james at foonly.com
Wed Jul 10 01:50:53 CDT 2002

On Wed, 10 Jul 2002, Bjorn Ramqvist wrote:

> That's nothing compared to the DEC-puck that didn't even had a ball
> inside. Instead, it was like two "fingers" pointing downwards on the
> surface, sensing the direction of the puck. It did work, but I think it
> got replaced somewhat quickly for the other approach - optomechanical
> ballmouse.

Say what you like, but I really liked the Honeywell/DEC "twin roller"
hockey pucks. They were a breeze to keep clean compared with ball mice of
the era.

> The newer ones (somewhat rectangular) are much nicer, but still
> lightyears away from todays Logitechs.

I find that my best Logitech is a made in the USA model from 1986.  The
later Taiwanese and Chinese versions just don't seem to have the same
build quality or tactile response.

I cannot stand any recent mouse I've tried.  The shapes feel uncomfortable
and the button action seems off.  My favorite mouse of all time has to be
the Sun type-5 optical set to 4800bps with teflon replacing the felt pads.
The optomechanical 1986 Logitech is a close second.


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