[rescue] cheap gps for time reference

Patrick Giagnocavo +1.717.201.3366 patrick at .zill.net
Sat Jul 6 20:21:49 CDT 2002

On Sat, Jul 06, 2002 at 09:26:00PM -0400, George Adkins wrote:

> > the world was a fucked-up place. :) It's gone and I can't change it.
> > Instead I choose to accept it and hope all the drugs I did in college
> > cause me to forget most of it over time-
> but the world IS a fucked up place...  what else could you say about a system 
> that encourages competition, but penalizes individuality.  There are not 
> enough drugs on this planet to make me forget.

One time I was in Spain visiting relatives and came across a Hugo Boss
perfume ad: "express your individuality" (by wearing our mass market

> > The forgiving part is absurdly easy...not so the forgetting and letting
> > go.
> Or Forgive.

Heh, ever have dear ole Mutter und Vater rip you off for north of
$20K?  It's quite an experience, though not one I would recommend.


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