[rescue] Sparc Classic Resurrection for Newbie
rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Jan 6 13:34:06 CST 2002
On Sun, 6 Jan 2002, Don McClure wrote:
> on 1/6/02 6:16 AM, Amy at scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net wrote:
> >> On Saturday, January 5, 2002, at 09:53 AM, Don McClure wrote:
> >>> Don't expect much help for newbies around here, the attitude is RTFM.
> > where'd ya get this (rather false) idea?
> Hmmm. This is merely an observation, not a criticism. I think it is true of
> the *nix world as a whole, which is pretty esoteric to the average computer
> user.
i'm glad i don't live in this sort of world. it sounds quite unfair.
> All those short, cryptic commands and recursive acronyms make my brain
> hurt sometimes-- that's what I like about it. The Gurus, Wizards and other's
> anointed do not always share their knowledge freely, or are too busy
> configuring amanda or something.
or perhaps they're also too busy helping others and you have to wait your
turn. case in point:
i get between 40-60 emails per day asking for help or assistance. most of
this mail is composed of beginner's questions. simple things like what
operating system to choose for which machine, or what is this part, etc.
what command to do this or that. 30% of the mail is in a language other
than queen's english. this translates to about 4-5 hours per night, every
night of trying to help.
what i cant answer or dont know i pass to bill and he answers it. what he
doesnt know he finds out and answers.
yes many people have become arrogant and short-tempered in their elder
age. true, some dont want to help anymore. maybe they're too bitter or
tired after a day of work. but not here...i've seen tens of thousands of
mail pass through ohno.mrbill.net and i dont recall a single one where
people were blatantly unhelpful.
gee, guess thats why its called sunhelp.
> Anyway, I brought it up to perhaps stir up more responses to this guy's
> request for assistance.
no pot-stirring, please. even when the intentions are good, none of us
here can afford the damage it does to our blood pressures.
> Anyway, there's a snow storm coming and I have to put the snow tires on both
> cars. Then I'll go bang my head against this recalcitrant SGI Crimson some
> more.
ah yes, i noted that a big snowstorm was on its way to md. (we have
relatives there). good luck with the crimson too--at least it'll keep you
warm if the furnace goes out ;)
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